House & pause
//DGTL & Innofest
//2024 - Amsterdam
As many as 75% of DGTL visitors indicate that they sometimes feel overstimulated during the festival.
Let Loose and Unwind
At DGTL, visitors can fully immerse themselves in house and techno music, but also find moments of relaxation in the Cabin. It turns out that 91% of visitors feel more relaxed after a visit to this spot. Remarkably, the Cabin effectively dampens noise, even between two stages, according to 68% of visitors. Supervision and engagement with the target audience were crucial, as well as the use of a timer-slot for personal time.
Having a Good Time
Unfortunately, 73% of visitors feel there aren't enough places at the festival to unwind. Visitors not only want to party but also gather together afterward. Some seek this relaxation alone. Fortunately, the Cavus offers multiple people a place to relax as needed. The open indoor space can even be thematically decorated to meet the needs of the target audience.
Test like the best
Just like last year, we collected valuable feedback with Innofest about the visitors' experience. The success of the sensory-friendly space is evident with positive feedback and over 102 visitors who visited the Cabin! Interested in learning more about this festival? Read this and this publication. Do you already have a sensory-friendly cabin at your festival? Get in touch with us.
Special thanks to Innofest and DGTL. Credits for some photos: Calluna Denkers.
"We believe that being inclusive means giving every festivalgoer the opportunity to retreat from all external stimuli in a quieter and more personal space."
More than 90% of the visitors felt calmer after visiting the Soulmate Cavus.
//Feedback tools
66% of visitors rate the design of the Soulmate Cavus as 'Amazing' or 'nice'. //Feedback tools
91% indicated they would like to return to the cabin.
//Feedback tools
What impact did we make
Showing the importance of testing a prototype with the help of Innofest
Highlighting the broad approach of Soulmate and the opportunity to relax alone or together
Showing the importance of a sensory-friendly rest area at a festival
Contributing to the well-being and positive atmosphere of over 100 festival-goers
collaborating with the target audience and testing with interactive tools from Innofest