Rest between stages.
//Liberation Festival & Innofest //2023 - Zwolle
"Can I come in, I'm very overstimulated," said a younger visitor who was eagerly waiting for a moment of peace. She sat in our cabin for 10 minutes and indicated that she had forgotten the time.
It was moving and valuable to experience the impact in such a direct way. A festival should be a relaxed place of social interaction and fun. Sometimes the experience becomes a bit too much or there are circumstances that require a place for yourself. The Soulmate Cavus offers a solution for this.
With the help of Innofest, we asked visitors about their experience with the second version of our cabin and the operation of our new 'Soulsafe' timer lock. Visitors could choose an ideal silence time per 5 minutes. Many enthusiastic reactions about the design, the feeling of really being alone despite the noise and damping level. Innofest helps entrepreneurs test assumptions about their start-up project or product.
New possibilities
The cabin evokes various ideas, including a quiet place to breastfeed or as a preparation place for artists who want to prepare for a performance.
Special thanks to Carmen, Innofest and the Liberation Festival team.
Credit for some pictures: Calluna Denkers
Someone was waiting outside, overstimulated.
More than 80% of the visitors felt calmer after visiting the Soulmate
//Feedback sheet
99% of the visitors indicate that the Soulmate room has a 'nice' or 'very nice' designn.
//Feedback sheet
More than 60% of visitors find it valuable or important that the Soulmate room is movable.
//Feedback sheet
What impact did we make
Showing the importance of a low-stimulus rest area at a festival
Testing with a diverse target group and interaction with (special) target group.
New possibilities and inspiration provided for the broad employability of Soulmate.
Integrating feedback on next Cavus design
Showing the importance of testing a prototype with the help of Innofest