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//Stimuli, stimuli

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Being at a festival is exciting. Is it a bit too much for you? Soulmate offers a spacious, safe cabin to relax and unwind from all the external stimulation. Give your visitors and artist a place to unwind. This way everyone can enjoy a festival.


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//Festival offer

Resting place
Offers festival visitors a place to relax. Artists can prepare for their performance or relax in a private setting.

Customization and experience 
Respond to the theme of the festival with a tailor-made experience.

Accessible & inclusive
Equipped with a Soulsafe lock to ensure integrity; as a festival, choose a maximum visitor time. Also consider target groups with ADHD and autism who will certainly be grateful to you.

Flexible and demountable
Quick and easy to assemble cabin (can be dismantled).




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//Learning, learing


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Being a student means more than just learning. Self-development also takes place when there is room for peace and quiet, a moment to relax. The toilet is no longer the only place to retreat. Soulmate offers a unique, attractive space for students and teachers. See you at school?

//Offer schools

Your own place
Give students the opportunity to take time for themselves in addition to studying. As a meditation place, for prayer or to relax.

Customization and experience 
Together with the school we provide a suitable and safe interior. We set the Soulsafe timer to a limit that feels safe for everyone.

Out of concern for the student
Research shows how important rest and mindfulness are for health and better school performance.

Suitable for your location
The space can be located in multiple places, can be moved later and fits in almost any room.




Samen werken aan een project

//Work, work


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No coffee break yet...? The best ideas arise in the 'in-between space' of waiting and performing. Give yourself the opportunity for that perfect idea and take a moment for yourself with your own Soulmate. Freelancer, company, start-up. We are here for you.

//Offer companies

Do less, get more
After an intense conversation, an intensive working day or that stubborn deadline, it doesn't hurt to take a moment to calm down. 

Strengthen your identity
Give your company image and identity a boost with a space that matches your working atmosphere. Make it something unique together with Soulmate.

Take care of your employees
Don't just work quantity and hours, ensure a pleasant working atmosphere and give your employees or partners a place for themselves, when they need it.

Startup, freelance, corporate
The flexible approach and movable construction also makes it possible to find a suitable place for you. Give yourself some (more) personal space.


rijkswaterstaat - Utrecht

Praktoraatsdagen MBO

Cultural bodies


//Experience, experience

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We connect with your own experience. The open interior of the cabin and our creative approach make it possible to deliver custom work for your location. Strengthen your art project, exhibition or quirky idea with Soulmate.

//Culture offer

Get inspired
Strengthen your idea with your own space that gives visitors the opportunity to take visitors further into a unique experience and let them be inspired.

Together with you we can look at the possibilities to create a suitable, unique experience within the space.

Various needs
Attract more people through a place that can meet the diverse needs of your target group. A pleasant place to go helps with that last step.

Play area
Because of the portable construction, it is possible to place the space for a limited period or even part of the day, which suits your experience.


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Kantine van ziekenhuis

//Caring, caring


It is difficult not to be at home, you want to make your stay in a hospital or healthcare institution as pleasant as possible. For your patients but also for your employees. Soulmate can help provide a soothing, safe and secure place in a clinical environment.


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//Offer health institutions

During a period of pain, suffering or loss, it is nice to have a safe and secure place to retreat to when it becomes too much.

Together with the healthcare institution, we look at the appropriate functioning of the lock, accessibility and a carefree interior. We are still in development to make the space wheelchair accessible.

Patient and employee
The hard work of nursing is just as much in need of a well-deserved moment of rest. Increase the well-being of your employees.

Testing is allowed
It is possible to first test the space in a suitable setting and see whether it (already) suits your needs.


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